

Welcome to New Job BD. All the information published on our website is provided for informational purposes only and does not guarantee any job opportunities. The job and career related information posted on this site are collected from reliable sources, but we do not take any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or correctness of the information.

At New Job BD, all job circulars and information are sourced solely from newspapers, official government websites, private sector company websites, and other legitimate sources. However, it is extremely important for job seekers to verify the information of each circular by checking the official website of the relevant organization or other trusted sources before proceeding with any application, financial transactions, or interview processes.

Information Verification and Accuracy

New Job BD is not involved in the application process or any financial transactions related to job applications. We ensure that the news and information published on our site are collected from trusted sources, but we are not liable for any errors, changes, or discrepancies in the information.

Job seekers must verify the information independently and always remain cautious to avoid falling victim to fraud or incorrect information.

Caution for Job Seekers

We advise you to verify all circulars, job application terms, and other information before applying. New Job BD does not represent any job seeker or hiring organization and is not responsible for any decisions related to job applications or interviews. We are not involved in any job applications or financial transactions.

We believe that if you verify the job circular information from official government or private organization websites or other sources, you will avoid falling victim to fraud or misinformation.

User Responsibility

Before making any decisions based on job news displayed on New Job BD, it is crucial for you to independently verify all the information. If you are unsure about any circular, please contact us or directly verify with the relevant organization.

Third-Party Circulars

Our site may display circulars from third parties. The content and activities related to these circulars are beyond our control. We are not responsible for third-party job news or links, nor do we accept any liability for their activities, policies, or terms. When you click on a third-party link or circular, you will be bound by their terms and conditions and policies.

Changes and Updates to the Site

New Job BD periodically updates and changes the content, job circulars, and other information on the site. However, we do not take responsibility for the accuracy or timeliness of any information or news published on our site and we do not provide prior notice for updates or changes.

By using the services, information, and newss provided on New Job BD, you acknowledge and agree to this Disclaimer and agree to abide by its terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We are ready to assist you with any queries.